Monday, November 29, 2010

For all of my fellow Cricut peeps...

My favorite place to buy adhesive backed vinyl for my Cricut, is having an AMAZING sale today and tomorrow.  EVERYTHING is 25% off when you checkout with the coupon code:  SUPER. 

Even though my Cricut is 6 x 12,  I buy the 12 x 24 vinyl sheets, and cut them into 4 pieces. This is way cheper than paying 99cent for just one 6x12 sheet.  Each 12x24 piece is regularly $1.89, and if you spend $15 or less (before the coupon), standard shipping is $6.00, and if you spend more than $15 standard shipping is $8.25. 

So, if you need to stock up on some Cricut vinyl, this is the best deal that I've found.....and believe me, I've looked everywhere!

Happy Cutting!  :o)

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